Enter the mind of a creative soul on this blue rock, if you dare and maybe you might learn something.
lordzenn's Articles
September 10, 2004 by lordzenn
Hurricane Ivan passed through the island on Tuesday 7th Spetember 2004. We on the island of Saint Lucia were spared Ivan's wrath, well most of us. I had no electricity for two days and I just got my phone service back today 10th September. Well that was nothing tuo the tragedy in Grenanda. Unfortunately they recieved a direct hit. The devastation is just alarming and heart breaking. In anyway you can help them I implore you to find out how you can throuigh your local organisiations wherever y...
September 5, 2004 by lordzenn
Well the vacation is over! What vacation!? just when I was beginning to enjoy it, it ends, life sucks does it not. Did not accomplish much this vacation just eneded up spending too much and earning too little. I hope that the new kids I get will actually want to learn something. I wish! Kids thses days are only interested in fashion and trends. School is just a place to hang out not learn. Still I hope that the new batch of students entering our school all wide eyed and innocent (ha is there ...
September 5, 2004 by lordzenn
Hey welcome to my new blog. Please feel free to read my articles, rants and other stuff. I hope that you will always find it interesting and entertaining as well. I live in the tropics so the sun has done a number on my mind. Hopefully as long as I can find the time I will post daily so do check it out. Ta Ta for now!